Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It was nearly 11 years ago that my wife and I first walked into an Apostolic Church. Both coming from denominational backgrounds this was different and at first, scared us. It was different, people shouted, people lifted their hands in worship....and then there was those tongues that I was always taught were not of God. But how could all of these people be wrong? They weren't!

So began our walk with God. It was a new dimension, it was more than tradition-it matched the Church that was in the Bible.

Fast forward to July 19th, 2013. We accepted our call to ministry, we accepted the call of God to start a Church and now we have our 1st “big” Revival scheduled. Our little Church that has been labeled backslidden by some in our town was serious about this revival. We prayed, fasted and sought God. We experienced great opposition. We experienced spiritual attacks during the week leading up to the Revival. But we continued praying, fasting and seeking God.

Bro. Tim Greene's name was given to me by a good friend in St. Louis. I was given a list of names but there was something that grabbed me and wouldn't let go when I heard Bro. Greene's name. Up to that, to my knowledge, I don't know that I've even heard his name. I picked him up on Friday morning without even really knowing what he looked like. We had a few previous conversations about the pick up times, pricing and such. That was it.

We arrived at the Church Friday night for Church. Really not knowing if anything great was going to happen. I was fighting a very tough Spiritual battle leading up to the Revival, to the very minute that service began. Major attacks of the mind was going on. Did I choose the right man or did I miss God? Will we have the breakthrough that we need as a Church? What's going to happen? Was the outreach and the Social Media Ad campaign just a waste?

It wasn't until the altar call that I knew something special was transpiring right before my eyes. After the music, after the announcements, after the exhorting from guest ministers...Bro. Greene got on the floor. He began to preach. I was expecting the Pentecostal fluff. The screaming that's generally called “good preaching”. The cookie cutter, recycled messages. But his approach was significantly different.

He preached a phenomenal message that touched the people. Did he get exuberant? Absolutely. But he connected to people. As he was finishing his message he asked everyone to get into a state of worship. That's easy for Apostolics, right? Right. But this worship opened the doors for the miraculous and the supernatural.

I feel great sorrow for the folks that haven't experienced Pentecost. There truly is nothing else that I would rather be. As Bro. Greene began to minister to individuals and prophesy to them I was taken back to I Corinthians 12 when Paul began to expound upon the gifts of the Spirit. Specifically verse 7, “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.”  To profit, or to gain. I witnessed people profiting from the manifestation of the Spirit that was in our sanctuary. It wasn't a show. It wasn't a put on. It was a genuine, heart felt move of none that I had witnessed up to this point.

Folks began to weep as he spoke what God was revealing to him. As I overheard the prophecies I couldn't hold the weeping back. I stood in awe of God's wonder-working power. I've been to a lot of conferences, revivals, camp meetings, this meeting and that meeting. However, I never witnessed the pin point accuracy of prophecies and the gifts that's often not sought after, the Word of Wisdom & the Word of Knowledge. There's some things that folks had shared with me that only them and myself knew. But when God began to use His man that He sent to Maysville, KY there were things that transpired that I only heard talk of until then.

People were having breakthroughs that they thought were never possible. Some folks received long sought for confirmation for their lives. Others were placed on mountain tops after being in valleys for far too long.

I've been asked many times since the revival, “how did it go?”. I couldn't answer them with great detail due to the magnitude of the Heavenly bombshell that fell on all 3 Revival services. I'm still trying to sift through everything that God done...though I truly believe that eternity will be the only medium to convey the full effects of what transpired.

There were many that weren't there that needed to be. A few left without receiving what God wanted to give them. But most left with the greatest experience that they've ever had with our Savior. Regardless of what has been-TurningPoint Apostolic Church is marching towards a closer walk with God and ultimately authentic Apostolic Revival in our city and region.

To all the folks that read this that haven't received or has reservations about this Pentecostal stuff, allow me to assure you that it's really real and I urge you to experience it. If you are hungering and thirsting for more of God don't hesitate to contact me...I just so happen to know Him! I can tell you how to be filled and quenched!

Still in awe,

Pastor Brian D. Young

Saturday, June 15, 2013

More Change A Comin'!

What a ride it's been for the last 18 months or so!

Change, change, change & more change....and more coming.

When we started the Bible Study group in March 2012 we were unsure of it's end result. We knew that God had called us, we knew that in His timing that everything would work. But what? when? how?

God has blown our minds with all that He's done since the humble beginnings in a hotel conference room to a full blown Home Missions Church in a region that is lacking an Apostolic presence. Here's a few highlights surrounding God's Hand in and on our infant work!

* We went from a hotel conference room to a remodeled store front with a seating capacity of 75 folks. (2 year lease, hope to be filled up before then!)

* Every door in the city limits has been knocked/door hung.

* We started with an average of 6 to an average of 31 in May 2013.

* 25 precious souls have been baptized in Jesus Name (10 of which has been from our jail ministry)

* 5 souls have been filled with the Baptism of the Holy Ghost (Several others refilled)

* 71% of our attenders were not attending any Church at all before coming to TurningPoint. This was our goal from the beginning as it was NOT to build a Church from already established saints; but rather to win new souls to the Kingdom. God has helped us do that.

* Our retention rate is approximately 55%.

* A Youth Group is in waiting and a Hypen group is being assembled from ground up.

* Our 1st staff position has been put in place, an outreach coordinator, Bro. & Sis. Dave Fyffe.

* Many other exciting things are in the works and will be coming to fruition soon!

The thing that is most impressive and gives credence to God's work is the Pastor hasn't even lived in the city. That will soon change! I am walking away from job security to answer the call of God and we're taking it to another level. After being at my current job for nearly 9 years with great pay and even greater benefits it came to a point that I had to either forsake the earthly calling of a job or forsake the divine calling. I chose to follow God's plan for my life.

I will be leaving my current job on July 1st and will be working and living in Maysville. I've never had a more difficult time with anything. It's been very emotional.

Our precious gift and promised of the Lord, Matthias Andrew "Andy", is now 2 weeks and one day old. He's been to 5 Church services, a hospital visit & a funeral. My job as a dad is to make sure He knows Jesus. I'm going to give it all I've got to be the dad that I never had. I love him and want to dedicate Him back to the One that gave him to us.

While change is hard, it becomes a little easier knowing that God is in the midst of it guiding your every step.

Until I blog again.....


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The wait is OVER!!!

Well, it's been a long time since October 10th! (The day we found out we were expecting)

We've prayed for health and we've received that. The ultrasound today looked amazing from what the tech said. The heart was beating beautifully, the skeletal system looked great as well. 

The baby is very active and has been on every ultra sound that we've had. You could see the little hands moving and even appeared as if it was trying to get the thumb in the mouth. It's truly a miracle. I question someone's logic and sanity to say that this isn't life. 

We did find out the gender of the baby! To my knowledge the last time we celebrated the birth of a baby boy that will carry the last name Young was February 9th, 1981. That was my brother Derek. (Correct me if I'm wrong family!)

However around the last part of May or the 1st part of June we will welcome a baby boy into our lives and family! Yes, I'm one excited Papa!

We do covet your prayers throughout the pregnancy. Up to now everything has been extremely well other than some significant sickness that's being experienced from my wife. She's such a trooper and has taken it like a champ! To say I love her is an understatement. She has helped to ground me in so many ways. She's endured mental & emotional turmoil to get to this point. 

19 weeks to go! Thanks for your continued prayers!