Monday, December 25, 2017

My Thoughts on Christmas

While I took great pains in writing this article in a respectable manner, I understand that my writing this opens me up to a certain level of scrutiny.

Allow me to also say this as it’s the most important thing that I’ll say in this entire article. What your Pastor teaches on this topic in your local assembly supersedes anything that I would write here. Don’t print this off and take it to him as a means to justify why he should be swayed from his position or his teaching.

This blog post came about after being asked by a young man that attends one of our Churches about the pagan roots of Christmas.

Let's Define Christmas

Christmas must be looked at in the same manner as we look at any holiday, including birthdays. It’s best to view this holiday objectively, with balance. Any extreme has the potential to be detrimental to our hearts and character. The Word of God discerns the thought and the intent of our heart. That should be a bit sobering for us all. (Hebrews 4:12)

Let’s define what the word Christmas is. The word Christmas “is a shortened form of "Christ's mass". It is derived from the Middle English Cristemasse, which is from Old English Crīstesmæsse, a phrase first recorded in 1038 followed by the word Cristes-messe in 1131.” (

With that knowledge, we know the word Christmas is a combination of 2 words from a Catholic mass. The word Christmas is not found anywhere in scripture. Just for reference, I went to one of my Bible apps and typed it into the search bar. It yielded no results.

Consistency & the Dangers of Self Righteousness

Common & cultural understanding of this holiday commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. This is a vitally important nugget when discussing this topic. Albeit, Christ was probably born in the fall. (There's a great comment at the bottom of this post highlighting the probable birth month)

What’s important in this matter, as well as in anything-especially that of the Church, is to be consistent. If you feel that Christmas (or any other day/holiday) is pagan or ‘too pagan’ to celebrate, I can & will respect that. I commend conviction so long as it’s not driven by self-righteousness. Again, be consistent in all things God. Consistency speaks of our Christian character and forms an indelible mark on the all who see it. There's also an indelible mark left on all who see a consistent inconsistency in our life, this one, however, isn't so good. Whether it's an athlete, an executive, a Pastor, or a school teacher; if you want to be successful you must be consistent. Living for the Lord is no different.

While I'm on this topic of self-righteousness, in my humble opinion it's why we're seeing more Churches close in America than we're seeing open. We can live right, talk right without being self-righteous, or have that type of body language. I was reading a book earlier today, there was a line that arrested my attention. It said, "Sometimes our words say one thing, but our tone of voice says another." It goes on to say that the recipient of what we say is more interested in our tone than our words. Think about that! (Book: The 5 Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman, pg. 72)

Being Persuaded

If you feel that Christmas (or any other day) is inherently pagan/evil then exclude yourself from all activities and benefits from it. Don’t give or receive gifts, don’t take a Christmas bonus from your employer, don’t spend time with family on that day, don’t have a special dinner, etc. completely withdraw from it. That’s what Paul told the Saints of Rome in his epistle to them.

One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. -Romans 14:5 (KJV)

I remember hearing of a Pastor that vehemently preached against Christmas due to it being 'pagan'. He approached it so boldly that he instructed his parishioners that if they celebrated it they were in danger of being lost in eternity. Interestingly enough, he gladly accepted a bonus that carried the name of this 'pagan day'. Wouldn't that also make the money 'pagan'? Sorry, my facetious side is coming out!

Being fully persuaded is not saying Christmas is pagan/evil in one hand and take a Christmas bonus in the other. If it’s pagan/evil then withdraw completely from it. Be persuaded!

Does Christmas have underlying pagan roots? 

Probably to some extent. But so do our days of the week. For example “Sun-Day”. It was a day the sun worshippers set aside to perform their religious rituals. Do we follow in their religious/pagan idolatry simply because our calendar uses the name of their day? Do we change the name of the 1st day of the week to something else? I think not. I’d say we worship Jehovah God. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (click this link for a more exhaustive source on this topic)

What about Christmas trees? 

That’s a question that as a Pastor I occasionally get asked. Many folks go to first 6 verses Jeremiah 10 as a reference point. Here’s what it says:

Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people [are] vain: for [one] cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They [are] upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also [is it] in them to do good. Forasmuch as [there is] none like unto thee, O LORD; thou [art] great, and thy name [is] great in might. -Jeremiah 10:1-6 (KJV)

There are some parallels there. But there’s also some silence when comparing this scripture to the modern day use of the Christmas tree.

Some parallels are the decorating of silver and gold and fastening to not be moved, at least for a short period.

Some things that aren’t similar are the reference to the signs in Heaven and using this tree as a god. Which was what was happening in this context.

Matthew Henry, a commentary author, very aptly describes this concept from Jeremiah 10.

“(1.) Consider what the idol is that is worshipped. It was a tree cut out of the forest originally. It was fitted up by the hands of the workman, squared, and sawed, and worked into shape; see Isa. 44:12, etc. But, after all, it was but the stock of a tree, fitter to make a gate-post of than any thing else. But, to hide the wood, they deck it with silver and gold, they gild or lacquer it, or they deck it with gold and silver lace, or cloth of tissue. They fasten it to its place, which they themselves have assigned it, with nails and hammers, that it fall not, nor be thrown down, nor stolen away, v. 4. The image is made straight enough, and it cannot be denied but that the workman did his part, for it is upright as the palm-tree (v. 5); it looks stately, and stands up as if it were going to speak to you, but it cannot speak; it is a poor dumb creature; nor can it take one step towards your relief.”
-Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible

With this being said, my family and I do not celebrate Christmas using a tree. However, we do not condemn someone that does. I feel that this is a matter of personal conviction. I surely do not feel as if it’s a salvation issue.

What about Giving gifts?

Giving is a very Biblical concept. As a matter of fact, if we don’t give of our tithe and offering, God says we’re cursed. If we do give of tithes and offerings we’re blessed! (See Malachi 3) God so loved the world that He gave. (See John 3:16)

If you are a Christian, you give. I can't find a Christian in scripture or in life itself that's a non-giver. (time, talent, money, & resources to the Kingdom of God & beyond) Not just at Christmas. Similarly, when we celebrate someone’s day of birth, it’s usually accompanied by the giving of gifts. It's sobering, at least to me, that Christmas is the only birthday in which the person we celebrate doesn’t receive the gifts. (I promote giving financially to Christmas for Christ in both of our Churches and in my family; so we “give our best gift to Jesus” See for more details)

While this surely isn’t the best piece of literature on this topic, nor is it the most exhaustive, my prayer is that it helps you, reaffirms, and encourages you. As I said in the opening lines of this, submit to your Pastor. He’s the one praying and watching for your soul. If he’s wrong God will deal with and correct him. If you don’t submit to your Pastor, God will deal with that also. (Hebrews 13:7,17)

I’ll end with this simple thought. I had a Pastor once that viewed this topic with this approach, if you don’t celebrate the birth of Christ on December 25th, then you need to take a day at some point in the year and celebrate the birth of our Messiah. Amen and amen!

Merry Christmas! Have a blessed New Year!

Pastor Brian D. Young
Pastor of the 2 greatest Churches in the world!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Jezebel Club

The Jezebel Club  

(Note: I say “club” to add a hint of hilarity to this extremely deceptive, demonic & extreme spirit)

To the person reading this in a non leadership type role in your Church, I want to start off by saying that unless your Spiritual antennas are up you most likely never see what I'm talking about here, and that is a good thing in some regards; otherwise you'd lose respect for many folks that you may hold in high regard. Though, if progressed far enough it takes very little Spiritual insight to discern the deceitfulness of this demonic spirit and its influence.

I further say want to insert here that some of the people in this ‘club’ may be used in positions of the Church. It's HIGHLY LIKELY that your Pastor is well aware of what's going on, but out of a shepherd’s heart he's making great strides in longsuffering to restore as many to their appointed place in God without reeking havoc on them personally nor the Church. He's doing his job.

The chief duty of this spirit and its adherents is to undermine the Spiritual authority of the Church. Anything that this spirit, or anyone under it’s influence, desires is to see confusion, division, an uprising and a wounded, weak and confused leader. Anyone that would be close to the Pastor is also a target to the masquerade put on by this group.

You call prayer, they won’t show unless they can come together. The old adage “there’s strength in numbers” is used in this club. It's absolutely certain that when I see someone walking in the door on a special called prayer meeting night it's because that someone else in their club will also be there. This spirit very rarely ever works alone unless they're collecting information to take it back to the leader. I've seen it.

Their spirit is ravenous and when you have crossed it will be very evident. They won’t praise, arms crossed, giving the death look to everyone. Marriages are put to the test in this due to the innocent spouse not wanting an eruption of chaos in their relationship. So, they develop a whooped puppy dog mentality. You'll also notice, the females in this club will always choose a weaker husband so their work can be accomplished much easier as they're easier to deceive and manipulate.

The jezebel club usually always has a leader. You can sit back and watch as people flock around her (or him) as they sit on their throned pew. She will always have her groupies under her thumb. If it’s a woman, her husband is under submission to her instead of the Biblical way (the Ahab syndrome); if it’s a man, then the woman is usually miserable unless she too holds membership to the club.

From the platform you can observe a constant stream of “club members” buzzing to and from the leader. Quick to give honor and praise to her (or him). Another observation that has been made is a good percentage of the time, the leader will be sick or afflicted with sickness as to have another way to manipulate their follower’s feelings of “poor pitiful me”. They're quick to be emotional about their sickness as well.

Instead of looking for ways to get involved in Church activities, they quite convincingly, create ways to get out of doing things. And it happens over and over and over. While the club is quick to cheer and admonish one another that they're in the right.

If the Pastor promotes something, they want to be the first to downplay the importance of it by not participating in it, especially if it's something that would ultimately draw them closer to God. (i.e. Prayer meeting, corporate fasting, etc) You call prayer, they won’t show unless they can come together. The old adage “there’s strength in numbers” is used in this club. They can't seem to go to the bathroom without holding one another’s hands. (That may be extreme, but you get the idea)

Have you ever known or heard of someone that plays the victim in everything? Regardless that they were the ones that stoked it, they can get emotional, anywhere on the spectrum, in an instant. The emotion displayed depends upon what the situation is and which will be the most effective in manipulating your feelings. Trust me. I speak from experience on this. They are quick and easy to cry and get emotional to have a facade of authenticity, but it’s only to gain approval or acceptance so they can continue their trek of rebellion and undermining anything and anyone in charge.

While we’re on this emotion thing, we can't fail to mention how they love to prey (not pray) on the weak! They will land on a weakling like a buzzard on a carcass so they can recruit them through weakness. Just recently I met a situation of this magnitude head on during a counseling session. (I've had many in both Churches and outside of the Churches that I Pastor, so if you're a Saint under my care don't be trying to figure out what it is!)

Sexual sin seems to be prominent as well in this club. They can roll out sexual inuindos quicker than they can Bible verses. They thrive in an environment where lust and dirty conversation takes place. Their jokes are almost always of this nature. They lay claim to holiness while exhibiting everything but that in their character, witness & attitude. (Jesus warned us of them; cleaning the outside of the cup while being full of dead men’s bones)

When it was dealt with the spirit became angry but captured it's emotions and created a “woe is me” aura in less than 5 seconds. It was one of the most deceptive things that I personally have ever witnessed. Had I not known what I was dealing with beforehand I could have very well been deceived in this situation. To God be the Glory that He helped me to see this beforehand.

Jezebel, and her club, will NEVER apologize unless it benefits THEM. It will never be sincere, it will be out of obligation just to keep any question marks out of your head concerning their perceived notions or intents.

And Pastor, don't you dare teach that topic that will stir this club. It's this club that is most difficult to submit to the idea that God abolished the use of certain things while He promotes others. (Jewelry, true submission to authority, chaste conversation)

It's apparent when you have crossed their line or someone in the club. It will be on social media through subtle posts to indicate that they're being attacked or how will the world survive if they went ‘poof’.

With my observations and first hands experience I’m certain that I could write a book on this topic. It is hands down the most deceptive spirit known, at least to me. Yet, it is allowed to remain for years, decades & lifetimes. Not on my watch! Spiritual authorities, hear me, you won't have to lift a finger or speak a word, pray & fast for God to dissolve this club in your Church-He will.

Before you start thinking “what will we do without her (or him) in so and so position?” Think of the souls that will be released to come to your assembly because the strong hold will have been broken. Your Church will be stifled until this is subdued and removed.

This is definitely not an end all, all knowing list, but it's definitely the high points. I may expound even further on this topic in the future.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Parenting in Perilous Times | A Biblical Perspective

Allow me to start with planting an urgency in your heart, soul and mind about the times in which we are living. Never before has the world seen the amount of wickedness that we are being inundated with. Christians are under attack whether we want to admit it or not. There will be no end to this until Jesus Christ Himself raptures us from this wicked, wicked world. We have no time for spineless relationships with God and prayerless homes. We are living within reach of that blessed hope of the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Through personal experience, years of observation, as well as being raised by a God fearing disciplinary mother that never went to Church regularly while raising us; I've witnessed a lot of stuff that works in parenting and a lot that doesn't.

This blog post is not to tell you about the do's and don'ts of parenting, but rather it hopes to equip you with principles, that if applied can strengthen your family even during these perilous times that we are living in. Since Pastoring I've witnessed young adults on both ends of the spectrum. Some live for God with their whole heart, some are as defiant as the devil because that's exactly what they've seen mom and/or dad do.

Paul told the Church at Rome that there "is no power but of God". Jesus said in Matthew 28:18 that "all power" was now His. If there is NO POWER outside of God giving it, it would be easy to say that we are subject to Him; either now or later, one way or the other. Shouldn't our desire be to please Him?

Parenting can sometimes feel like you're walking through a maze, dizzy and blindfolded in the dark. Kids change as they grow. Outside of the gene pool, their personalities are shaped by the environment in which they're immersed. Thankfully there are some constants that we can rely on to steady us in the days, weeks, months & years ahead. That's where I want to jump off from with 5 fundamental principles to teach and abide by in your families.

1) The Bible has to be the absolute authority for you, your family & home. It must be the centerpiece of your home. It must be read individually and as families. Your kids need to have memories of growing up reading the Bible.
-You, your spouse and your children must know that the Bible is the most important literary work in the history of mankind. It's not just "another book". It's God's divine and Holy impartation to a creation that He loves more than any other.
-If the Bible is right then there's no room for another ruling authority in your moral code. I haven't found a single thing, morally or Spiritually speaking, that I haven't been able to answer, or at the very least find a principle for in scripture.
-If you don't deem the Bible as God's Holy, unadulterated Word from all the ages to all the ages, then there's no need to read further. The Bible must be your compass to direct you and your family in all things.

2) In our current societal psychology, we must know what the original plan of God was for humans and the original design that He had in mind. We are being challenged on many levels on this topic.
-God created man in His likeness. Ponder on that before reading any further. God, the Almighty, made us in His likeness. No other creation in the universe has that honor and responsibility, other than humans.
-We must appreciate our God designed roles. When God first created Adam and Eve, Genesis 5:2 says that He called their name Adam. God desired that the man and woman be so knitted together that they would share a common name, to be inseparable. Then sin happened. Sin separates us from God, sin separated Adam and Eve's divine closeness.
-It wasn't until the early 1900's when our ladies had to leave the home to work that the moral fabric of our nation began to crumble from within, and it hasn't stopped. This isn't a male chauvinist pig statement, it's a statement honoring the irreplaceable role that wives play in keeping the home. Men, we don't have what it takes, I know that will hurt your pride, but thank God that He gave us a help meet to hold us together! Men, go to work and provide for your wife and children.
-Don't despise your role, honor it by living it out as God designed it. It works!

Genesis 5:1-2King James Version (KJV)
5 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

3) We must be connected to a body of Spirit Filled Bible believers. When God designed the Church, He designed it to be His Bride. 
-If you want to be a part of the Bride, you have to be a part of the Body; and vice versa. 
-Your children will acquire strength from being connected to the Body of Christ. Youth Programs, Sunday School classes, Youth camps & retreats, Youth prayer meetings and so forth, will foster life long relationships with other people of like passion and vision and will help to mold your children into productive members of God's Body. (I find it necessary to say this here; I would love to say that no young person has ever gone astray, but they have, even when raised in ideal circumstances. By the time that they come of age, we need to be certain that we've done everything humanly possible to instill Biblical principles in their life that will take them through those tumultuous years of young adulthood)
-Whatever or whomever you allow into your child's life will be the ones that shapes your offspring into who they will become as adults. It's critical to surround them with God fearing and Spirit filled people that will draw them closer to God and further from the world.
-This may be the most critical item in this whole blog post. In order for you to be saved, a Pastor has to give an account for your soul. It's in our best interest that they are able to do so with joy. It starts with you as a parent to submit to the covering of a Pastor. Teach your children the importance of this. Don't come home from Church and have the Pastor for dinner. You need Him watching for your soul. This is downplayed in our society due to the well of pride. Apply this scripture to this principle. If you don't have a Pastor, who is watching for your soul? 

Hebrews 13: 17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

4) I remember growing up that the Nike shoe company had a slogan, they may still use it. Just do it! This is the same slogan I use for prayer. We've overcomplicated prayer. 
-Teach your children to pray. How? When you pray, bring them with you to your place of prayer. My 2 year old now comes down beside of me when I kneel, places his face in his hands and bows his head. Remember he's 2. How does he know to do this? He's witnessed his daddy & mama. It's that simple. Kids learn by example. 
-Don't be intimidated to use words that are bigger than your vocabulary. God doesn't sit with a dictionary to make sure that your words are measuring up to's word of the day; but He is looking into the origin of that prayer. Your kids don't have to hear big words while you're praying, what they need to hear is a sincere prayer and you pouring your heart out to a God that's bigger than your problems. 
-Your prayer life can be cultivated at home and at Church. So can your children's prayer life.

5) Finally, reinforce what you have taught them by living it in front of them. There's a high price tag on this principle. 
-If you are wishy washy; in today and out tomorrow your kids will lose confidence in what you are saying and the whole Church scene. 
-Those children need to know that we're in this for the long haul and this is the way. We're not Church hopping, we're prayer warriors. We live, eat and breathe the Word of God. We live Holy unto the Lord all the time, not just at Church. Consistency, consistency & consistency!
-Children subconsciously beg for stability in the home. A double minded man is unstable in all of his ways. To a young child, parental instability creates chaos in their minds. They're confused because just last month you told them the Bible is true, but today you're living like the Bible is a fairy tale. 

Pray that God will pour concrete over your feet as you stand on His Word and the principles and laws that it teaches. This is not an end all, know it all guide to parenting. It's a few principles that I've seen work, most notably in my Pastor and his family for generations. 

My desire is that this helps someone in the chaotic, perilous times that we're living in. 

I pray God's blessings upon you in the only saving Name of Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Did you HEAR it?

How can something so vital to salvation mean so much to so many different people? We could spend all day formulating ideas and thoughts as to why, but here's the question that I want you to ask yourself. Did you HEAR IT?

Hear what? I'm glad you asked.

The question isn't whether a person must be born again in most religious circles. The unanswered question seems to be how a person is born again and if there's any immediate evidence of this new birth that Jesus said we had to experience in John 3, otherwise we could not see OR enter Heaven.

More specifically, there's a great divide and debate in religious circles all over the earth as to when someone is born of the Spirit of God. I personally have a background in a denomination that taught that you received the Holy Ghost once you "accepted the Lord as your Savior". (Spirit of God, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Spirit of Christ are all synonymous terms that can be interchanged without meaning anything different)          

It wasn't until a few years of being absent from this teaching that I was introduced to scripture that I was never taught and never searched out for myself. I only listened to what was preached and/or taught in my Church and thought that was all that I needed to do. My testimony of conversion comes from a black man full of zeal that brought his Bible and laid it at the end of the tables where we worked and would teach me scripture; a whole new revelation. It had always been there, but no one ever took the time to show it to me, and I, regretfully being in my late teens had no desire to spend the time searching for this on my own. I thought that I was saved with a prayer years before.

One day I was approached by someone and they asked me the question "Did you HEAR IT?". In ignorance of the question I thought that I missed something that they said. Then they explained that Jesus told folks in scripture that they would hear it when they were born of the Spirit. I was perplexed.

So I set out to prove them wrong! Then I found these scriptures.

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. -John 3:8

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:1-4 (Ironic?: Jesus mentioned the wind was like the Spirit, and that's what they HEARD at the first outpouring! I think not, it's exactly what Jesus said and the way He said)
And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Acts 10:45-46 (note: they HEARD THEM)
And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning.-Acts 11:15 (The beginning was in Acts 2, and they HEARD THEM then, they heard them again!)

(See additional scriptural references at the bottom of this blog)

What I set out to do was actually reversed and I found myself, in obedience to the Bible, opening up to something entirely different....but entirely Biblical. 

I then set out to experience the same thing as they did in the Bible. It took me nearly a year to experience this Heavenly experience. I would dream about being in services where I would be born of the Spirit in the dream with the evidence of speaking in tongues. But a dream wouldn't suffice. I wanted to HEAR IT with my ears. Then it happened!

I've had many people tell me that I'm wrong in believing that this is being born of the Spirit. But, I've found peace in knowing that this is exactly what Jesus desired for us and it's what the 120 experienced in the upper room, it's what Peter preached, it's what Paul preached and experienced (I Corinthians 14:18), it's what John's disciples experienced in Acts 19, it's what the early Pentecostal pioneers experienced on Azusa Street in Los Angeles in the early 1900's, it's what I experienced and the many hundreds have experienced that I've heard since coming into this great experience in 2002. 

I want to encourage you to answer the question that we started with. Did you HEAR IT? Did you hear it when you were born of the Spirit? There is an absolute distinction between this birth and repentance, and between this birth and water baptism. 

If you would like to have a Bible study on this topic or another Biblical topic please contact me at or by phone at 606-584-7010 (call or text)

God Bless you as you begin this great journey of being born of the Spirit! 

In His Service, 

Pastor Brian D. Young
TurningPoint Apostolic Church of Maysville, KY
Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Manchester, OH

Additional scripture references: Romans 8:26, Acts 19:1-5, Acts 2:33, Acts 2:42


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

God's Thoughts on the Clothes Line

This is a compilation of conversations that I've had recently concerning God's thoughts on clothing. I've tried to reference scripture to support my thoughts on this since what God thinks is a lot more important than what I think. I pray that this helps to give direction and settle any questions that you may have about this topic. I also understand that there are many other great men with greater laurels than I have that could provide much more insight into this topic. This is not an end all on this topic, but rather just scratching the surface. 

I further realize that this is a highly debated topic that seems to create contention in many. If you do not agree with the scripture references or this blog my only plea with you concerning this is that you will sincerely pray and ask God for guidance. He will not leave you hanging if you sincerely desire His direction in this. I also ask that you hold any negative verbal attacks on anyone else that may comment on this blog or any other social media site that it may appear on. God Bless you as you read. 

Deuteronomy 22:5 says, The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
From my understanding of the Old Testament, the law is divided into 2 parts. One is ceremonial, the other is moral law. The ceremonial was fulfilled, or accomplished once Jesus came & died. We are now the temple and Jesus the supreme sacrifice, therefore the ceremonial is no longer applicable. However the moral law, which Deuteronomy 22:5 falls under, is still applicable.
In Job 38 & Job 40, Job was instructed to "gird up LIKE A MAN". Making a clear statement that there was a distinction in how a man should "gird" up and how a woman should.
Job 38:2-3 King James Version (KJV)
2 Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?
3 Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.
Job 40:6-8 King James Version (KJV)
6 Then answered the Lord unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
7 Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me.
8 Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous?
There was undoubtedly a difference in the robes. But "breeches", what we now call britches, were designated for the male gender only. This is not something that a Church group came up with. God HIMSELF authored it. We aren't dealing with male chauvinist pigs or a leader in the feminist movement when discussing this, we're dealing with the Lord of Glory. The King of Kings, Lord of Lords. The Great I Am!
Nearly 9 centuries after Deuteronomy was written you can still see where breeches were being worn by men only.
Ezekiel 44 18 They shall have linen bonnets upon their heads, and shall have linen breeches upon their loins;
There is absolutely nothing in the New Testament to indicate that God had a different thought on how clothing should be gender specific. As a matter of fact when the soldiers were led into the garden of Gethsemene Judas told them "I'll kiss the one that you need to take away". That tells me that Jesus Himself evidently had on similar clothing than any other man would have on in that group.
If we look at all of this from merely a cultural viewpoint we are opening a can of worms that we don't have the authority to do, in my humble opinion, in light of the scriptural viewpoint. If everything is culturally based, then men can wear skirts/dresses. How would that be accepted in our Church world? If we can't accept men in dresses/skirts then why would we even begin to think that a woman in pants is permissible? Are the shows that the drag queens participate in ok? If not, why? Culture accepts this.
I think that we have entered a time that scripture has been so long neglected that things scripture forbids is now appears permissible. But from that standpoint, we should embrace the trinitarian baptismal formula. It's been around since 325 A.D.-God Forbid!
The only time that a pair of pants would cover more of the body than a skirt/dress is if the skirt/dress is immodest. That's clearly forbidden in scripture as much as cross dressing.
I am open to scriptural reference on when Jesus removed the distinction of dress.
If how we dress is based solely on cultural appeasement then where does the line get drawn on any other Biblical principle? What about the New Birth? Why can't homosexuals marry? Why should a woman not cut her hair? Why can't we kill babies in the womb, or even partially birthed? It's a right, right? It's accepted by culture, so.......
My suggestion is this-leave scripture alone! Let it stand for-IT IS WRITTEN. If we aren't careful we will dance away every core doctrine of scripture and before you know it we will not look any different, act any different, talk any different than any other religious movement in the world.
Psalm 119:88-90 King James Version (KJV)
88 Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth.
89 For ever, O Lord, thy WORD IS SETTLED IN HEAVEN.
90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.

2 Timothy 3:15-17 King James Version (KJV)
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Do you see any room for changing God's thoughts on anything? Me either.
It's settled. The ink is dried.
God Bless you in Jesus Name!

Pastor Young

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Heavy Hearted

I speak this as a heavy hearted Pastor just after midnight. As we are traveling back home my mind visited a familiar place of thought-eternity. 

Many religions dumb it down as they lull their parishioners to sleep with religious, rhetorical lullabies that's absent of any scriptural foundation. Those that do embrace eternity quietly give cheap pats on the back to maintain the legacy of those that have blindly went before them...with no regard to scriptural salvation. "My grandpa done this, so it must be absolutely true". Belief in grandma's salvation doesn't give you a head start to Heaven. Obeying scripture is what puts any of us on the roll that we be called up yonder. 

By the end of this week, Lord willing I will have attended 4 funerals/visitations and will have been involved in one of those. A stillborn baby. 

Eternity is long folks. Really really long. Never ending. No Rolex. No stopwatch. No gas pedal to speed it up, nor brake pedal to slow it down. 

We truly need an awakening. One to shake us to our innermost being. A revelation of the lake of fire that burns with fire & brimstone. A revelation of Calvary & the shed blood. (I'm so thankful Jesus didn't have a list of excuses as to why He couldn't make Calvary's appointment.) 

I know we're under the New Testament Church age that's powered by Grace. But Grace is not a way out, it's THE way in. This may be the only time you ever read or hear this-but there is no other way to Heaven other than being born of the water AND the Spirit. (John 3:3-5 & Acts 2:38)

If you haven't died a spiritual death at an altar of repentance you must. If you haven't been baptized by submersion in Jesus Name for the remission of sins, you must. If you haven't received the in filling of the Spirit like the experience in Acts 2, Acts 10 & Acts 19; you must. 

Get in. Excuse free. No negotiators will be allowed on our day of Judgement. 

I love you in Christ Jesus, The Lord of Glory. 

For Christ,

Pastor Brian D. Young 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I'm Overwhelmed by a Burden

By a burden for my street.

When I moved here 7 months ago I didn't realize the burden would intensify to the degree that it did.

Each time that I read a report from the newspaper or hear of another soul dying that we didn't reach the burden grows evermore. What more can I do personally, Lord to win my street, city & region to the Truths of your Word?

It was at the end of a long Saturday of outreach several months ago that I received a call from a man. He asked that we visit him as he had just received one of our doorhangers. As I hung the phone up God spoke to me and told me that this man had been contemplating suicide. We went to visit this man immediately. Not knowing exactly what we were walking into, I prayed all the way there. He met us on his front steps.

As we approached him tears began to flow down his cheeks from his wayward eyes. He invited us to come in. We prayed with him as I could feel the heaviness of the spirit of suicide lingering in the home. It was so real. Almost as if you could touch it with your hands. It seemed to wrap itself around you and engulf your emotions. When prayer was made and the Name of Jesus invoked I could feel the heaviness lift. As real as the spirit of suicide is, the Name of Jesus is even more real and even more powerful!

I asked him to go to a local restaurant to have a meal. As I sat down he asked me a question. "Pastor, has God showed you anything about me?" I said, Yes, you've been dealing with thoughts of suicide and God has a plan for your life.

The astounding look that appeared on his face was something that you rarely see on someone. Looking deep into his eyes I could see the despair, hunger & desparate cries of long sleepless nights and thoughts of lunging into eternity by his own hands. Confusion, yet relief, swept over him. Confusion from the enemy of his soul, yet relieved that he didn't have to remain confounded.

That was my 1st big experience with the spirit of suicide in this area. I believe it was that day that God pulled the veil on a dominant stronghold in our region to this young Apostolic Pastor. Since that day I've received reports of suicide attempt after suicide attempt. Many succesful in their pursuit of a duped exit from this natural realm. Some unsuccessful, to return only to the vices that catapulted them into their plight.

If you are suffering from this mental anguish I want to open myself up to you and our Church. There's only one true deliverance from the position that you find yourself in. Suicide is a spirit from the pits of hell and can only be broken and set free by the power of God.

As we draw closer and closer to the return of our Lord this spirit of deception, known as suicide, will intensify as satan continues his onslaught of the mortal as a way to gain the captive's eternal immortality. Below will have a list of ways that you can get in touch with me. Please DO NOT hesitate contacting me if you need help on your Spiritual journey.

Galatians 6:7
King James Version (KJV)
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Pastor Brian D. Young
TurningPoint Apostolic Church
1106 Forest Ave.
Maysville, KY 41056
606-584-7010 call OR text