The Jezebel Club
(Note: I say “club” to add a hint of hilarity to this extremely deceptive, demonic & extreme spirit)
To the person reading this in a non leadership type role in your Church, I want to start off by saying that unless your Spiritual antennas are up you most likely never see what I'm talking about here, and that is a good thing in some regards; otherwise you'd lose respect for many folks that you may hold in high regard. Though, if progressed far enough it takes very little Spiritual insight to discern the deceitfulness of this demonic spirit and its influence.
I further say want to insert here that some of the people in this ‘club’ may be used in positions of the Church. It's HIGHLY LIKELY that your Pastor is well aware of what's going on, but out of a shepherd’s heart he's making great strides in longsuffering to restore as many to their appointed place in God without reeking havoc on them personally nor the Church. He's doing his job.
The chief duty of this spirit and its adherents is to undermine the Spiritual authority of the Church. Anything that this spirit, or anyone under it’s influence, desires is to see confusion, division, an uprising and a wounded, weak and confused leader. Anyone that would be close to the Pastor is also a target to the masquerade put on by this group.
You call prayer, they won’t show unless they can come together. The old adage “there’s strength in numbers” is used in this club. It's absolutely certain that when I see someone walking in the door on a special called prayer meeting night it's because that someone else in their club will also be there. This spirit very rarely ever works alone unless they're collecting information to take it back to the leader. I've seen it.
Their spirit is ravenous and when you have crossed it will be very evident. They won’t praise, arms crossed, giving the death look to everyone. Marriages are put to the test in this due to the innocent spouse not wanting an eruption of chaos in their relationship. So, they develop a whooped puppy dog mentality. You'll also notice, the females in this club will always choose a weaker husband so their work can be accomplished much easier as they're easier to deceive and manipulate.
The jezebel club usually always has a leader. You can sit back and watch as people flock around her (or him) as they sit on their throned pew. She will always have her groupies under her thumb. If it’s a woman, her husband is under submission to her instead of the Biblical way (the Ahab syndrome); if it’s a man, then the woman is usually miserable unless she too holds membership to the club.
From the platform you can observe a constant stream of “club members” buzzing to and from the leader. Quick to give honor and praise to her (or him). Another observation that has been made is a good percentage of the time, the leader will be sick or afflicted with sickness as to have another way to manipulate their follower’s feelings of “poor pitiful me”. They're quick to be emotional about their sickness as well.
Instead of looking for ways to get involved in Church activities, they quite convincingly, create ways to get out of doing things. And it happens over and over and over. While the club is quick to cheer and admonish one another that they're in the right.
If the Pastor promotes something, they want to be the first to downplay the importance of it by not participating in it, especially if it's something that would ultimately draw them closer to God. (i.e. Prayer meeting, corporate fasting, etc) You call prayer, they won’t show unless they can come together. The old adage “there’s strength in numbers” is used in this club. They can't seem to go to the bathroom without holding one another’s hands. (That may be extreme, but you get the idea)
Have you ever known or heard of someone that plays the victim in everything? Regardless that they were the ones that stoked it, they can get emotional, anywhere on the spectrum, in an instant. The emotion displayed depends upon what the situation is and which will be the most effective in manipulating your feelings. Trust me. I speak from experience on this. They are quick and easy to cry and get emotional to have a facade of authenticity, but it’s only to gain approval or acceptance so they can continue their trek of rebellion and undermining anything and anyone in charge.
While we’re on this emotion thing, we can't fail to mention how they love to prey (not pray) on the weak! They will land on a weakling like a buzzard on a carcass so they can recruit them through weakness. Just recently I met a situation of this magnitude head on during a counseling session. (I've had many in both Churches and outside of the Churches that I Pastor, so if you're a Saint under my care don't be trying to figure out what it is!)
Sexual sin seems to be prominent as well in this club. They can roll out sexual inuindos quicker than they can Bible verses. They thrive in an environment where lust and dirty conversation takes place. Their jokes are almost always of this nature. They lay claim to holiness while exhibiting everything but that in their character, witness & attitude. (Jesus warned us of them; cleaning the outside of the cup while being full of dead men’s bones)
When it was dealt with the spirit became angry but captured it's emotions and created a “woe is me” aura in less than 5 seconds. It was one of the most deceptive things that I personally have ever witnessed. Had I not known what I was dealing with beforehand I could have very well been deceived in this situation. To God be the Glory that He helped me to see this beforehand.
Jezebel, and her club, will NEVER apologize unless it benefits THEM. It will never be sincere, it will be out of obligation just to keep any question marks out of your head concerning their perceived notions or intents.
And Pastor, don't you dare teach that topic that will stir this club. It's this club that is most difficult to submit to the idea that God abolished the use of certain things while He promotes others. (Jewelry, true submission to authority, chaste conversation)
It's apparent when you have crossed their line or someone in the club. It will be on social media through subtle posts to indicate that they're being attacked or how will the world survive if they went ‘poof’.
With my observations and first hands experience I’m certain that I could write a book on this topic. It is hands down the most deceptive spirit known, at least to me. Yet, it is allowed to remain for years, decades & lifetimes. Not on my watch! Spiritual authorities, hear me, you won't have to lift a finger or speak a word, pray & fast for God to dissolve this club in your Church-He will.
Before you start thinking “what will we do without her (or him) in so and so position?” Think of the souls that will be released to come to your assembly because the strong hold will have been broken. Your Church will be stifled until this is subdued and removed.
This is definitely not an end all, all knowing list, but it's definitely the high points. I may expound even further on this topic in the future.
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