I speak this as a heavy hearted Pastor just after midnight. As we are traveling back home my mind visited a familiar place of thought-eternity.
Many religions dumb it down as they lull their parishioners to sleep with religious, rhetorical lullabies that's absent of any scriptural foundation. Those that do embrace eternity quietly give cheap pats on the back to maintain the legacy of those that have blindly went before them...with no regard to scriptural salvation. "My grandpa done this, so it must be absolutely true". Belief in grandma's salvation doesn't give you a head start to Heaven. Obeying scripture is what puts any of us on the roll that we be called up yonder.
By the end of this week, Lord willing I will have attended 4 funerals/visitations and will have been involved in one of those. A stillborn baby.
Eternity is long folks. Really really long. Never ending. No Rolex. No stopwatch. No gas pedal to speed it up, nor brake pedal to slow it down.
We truly need an awakening. One to shake us to our innermost being. A revelation of the lake of fire that burns with fire & brimstone. A revelation of Calvary & the shed blood. (I'm so thankful Jesus didn't have a list of excuses as to why He couldn't make Calvary's appointment.)
I know we're under the New Testament Church age that's powered by Grace. But Grace is not a way out, it's THE way in. This may be the only time you ever read or hear this-but there is no other way to Heaven other than being born of the water AND the Spirit. (John 3:3-5 & Acts 2:38)
If you haven't died a spiritual death at an altar of repentance you must. If you haven't been baptized by submersion in Jesus Name for the remission of sins, you must. If you haven't received the in filling of the Spirit like the experience in Acts 2, Acts 10 & Acts 19; you must.
Get in. Excuse free. No negotiators will be allowed on our day of Judgement.
I love you in Christ Jesus, The Lord of Glory.
For Christ,
Pastor Brian D. Young
Thank you for this very true and good word Pastor Young!!!