Well, in January I wrote about having more of Heaven in 2011, and while I must say that there's been plenty of the contrary I've also experienced some things that I have never experienced before in my 8 years of living for the Lord.
In February it began, a dear brother in the Lord came to me while at the Kentucky District Youth Retreat in Louisville and prophesied to me. Now, I'll be the first to point out that prophecy is abused in the world today so I'm extremely careful in what I receive through what the Church world calls prophecy, but this my friend was delivered fresh. From the very portals of a place none of us have been but we've all heard of. Heaven.
He wasn't screaming, spitting, running, hollering...just a simple soft spoken heart rendering prophecy from God. "God has something greater, don't settle for anything less than what He has for you". As he uttered the last word of the prophesy there was a wave of the awesome Spirit of God that swept over me and I wept, profusely. Never before had a prophecy done to me what this had done for me. It was God talking through man to me, I didn't deserve it, I don't deserve it even now. I'm so thankful that God doesn't call the qualified but he qualifies the called.
Some 2 months later (maybe less) another man from the other end of the state that wasn't even in attendence at the event in February came to me and conveyed the very same message. This brought new meaning, a fresh anointed meaning to Brian Young to the scripture 2 Corinthians 13:1 This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.
It was established. Will God's established Word falter? I know not of any instances.
But what is it? When will it happen? I wish I had the answer to these questions. The last 3 months of my wife's life and my own have been handed a lot of highs and lows. Every time we go up, we're knocked back down. Every time we get knocked down, we're lifted back up by the mighty Hand of the Lord Jesus.
I wasn't raised Apostolic. I was raised under the influence of an alcoholic dad and a trinity, non-church goer, mother which she was the absolute only thing that held our fragile, often times wrecked family, together. I went to the local Baptist Churches in our community from which I have developed life long friendships with those fine people. I was baptized in the Hunter Memorial Baptist Church according to Matthew 28:19, Billy Joe Williams, one of the best friends anyone could ask for while growing up, was also baptized that day. So not being raised Apostolic brings me into this movement as sort of an outsider with an inside peek into Pentecost, and I have Godly pride to be Apostolic Pentecostal. I'm glad we stand for what we stand for.
It also brings me to a place of Spiritual disturbance. Where are we in our movement? Where are we in revival? Yes, I realize we still have our foundation of Acts 2:38 as the only salvation that the Bible teaches. We all shout about that. But why are we here? Why did God bring us into the truth? I have an astounding answer that may have varying opinions among the readers of this blog. God didn't bring us into the truth of His Word to do what we're doing. I would really hate to see my report card and for that matter our movement's report card of how we're doing in bringing lost souls to God. Which, by the way is the only reason God saved us. Sheep begat sheep.
God never saved us to come and get a feel good message on Sunday, go home, come back to Church on Wednesday just to get another feel good message. I'm so disturbed by the lack of, true Apostolic moves of God in our Churches. Who's seeking God? Who's praying? Who's fasting? We're dying a Spiritual death due to the lack of seeking God. Yeah, we can still have "good" Church. But when did we become satisfied with "good" Church? When did that replace genuine, heart felt Apostolic Church? Life changing, mind altering, heart transforming services where we are led only by the Spirit and not by man?
This, my friend, is what I'm longing for and in my prayers I pray that Jesus himself will continue to direct me in this direction. Yes, I know that people generally fizz out after a burning desire such as this, but I pray against that. If it be worldly influences that would dampen the fire that I'm feeling then move it Lord, in fact, do whatever, take me wherever by whatever means, to allow me to lead people that so share this desire for Apostolic Restoration. I'm throwing out my Pentecostal rhetoric and walking where I've never walked in order to do this. Every time we preach Apostolic messages and we don't see Apostolic results we're losing our credibility...God help me to establish this in my life and wherever you take me in the future.
I praise the only saving Name of Jesus and close in the same.....
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