I further realize that this is a highly debated topic that seems to create contention in many. If you do not agree with the scripture references or this blog my only plea with you concerning this is that you will sincerely pray and ask God for guidance. He will not leave you hanging if you sincerely desire His direction in this. I also ask that you hold any negative verbal attacks on anyone else that may comment on this blog or any other social media site that it may appear on. God Bless you as you read.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
God's Thoughts on the Clothes Line
I further realize that this is a highly debated topic that seems to create contention in many. If you do not agree with the scripture references or this blog my only plea with you concerning this is that you will sincerely pray and ask God for guidance. He will not leave you hanging if you sincerely desire His direction in this. I also ask that you hold any negative verbal attacks on anyone else that may comment on this blog or any other social media site that it may appear on. God Bless you as you read.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Heavy Hearted
I speak this as a heavy hearted Pastor just after midnight. As we are traveling back home my mind visited a familiar place of thought-eternity.
Many religions dumb it down as they lull their parishioners to sleep with religious, rhetorical lullabies that's absent of any scriptural foundation. Those that do embrace eternity quietly give cheap pats on the back to maintain the legacy of those that have blindly went before them...with no regard to scriptural salvation. "My grandpa done this, so it must be absolutely true". Belief in grandma's salvation doesn't give you a head start to Heaven. Obeying scripture is what puts any of us on the roll that we be called up yonder.
By the end of this week, Lord willing I will have attended 4 funerals/visitations and will have been involved in one of those. A stillborn baby.
Eternity is long folks. Really really long. Never ending. No Rolex. No stopwatch. No gas pedal to speed it up, nor brake pedal to slow it down.
We truly need an awakening. One to shake us to our innermost being. A revelation of the lake of fire that burns with fire & brimstone. A revelation of Calvary & the shed blood. (I'm so thankful Jesus didn't have a list of excuses as to why He couldn't make Calvary's appointment.)
I know we're under the New Testament Church age that's powered by Grace. But Grace is not a way out, it's THE way in. This may be the only time you ever read or hear this-but there is no other way to Heaven other than being born of the water AND the Spirit. (John 3:3-5 & Acts 2:38)
If you haven't died a spiritual death at an altar of repentance you must. If you haven't been baptized by submersion in Jesus Name for the remission of sins, you must. If you haven't received the in filling of the Spirit like the experience in Acts 2, Acts 10 & Acts 19; you must.
Get in. Excuse free. No negotiators will be allowed on our day of Judgement.
I love you in Christ Jesus, The Lord of Glory.
For Christ,
Pastor Brian D. Young
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
I'm Overwhelmed by a Burden
When I moved here 7 months ago I didn't realize the burden would intensify to the degree that it did.
Each time that I read a report from the newspaper or hear of another soul dying that we didn't reach the burden grows evermore. What more can I do personally, Lord to win my street, city & region to the Truths of your Word?
It was at the end of a long Saturday of outreach several months ago that I received a call from a man. He asked that we visit him as he had just received one of our doorhangers. As I hung the phone up God spoke to me and told me that this man had been contemplating suicide. We went to visit this man immediately. Not knowing exactly what we were walking into, I prayed all the way there. He met us on his front steps.
As we approached him tears began to flow down his cheeks from his wayward eyes. He invited us to come in. We prayed with him as I could feel the heaviness of the spirit of suicide lingering in the home. It was so real. Almost as if you could touch it with your hands. It seemed to wrap itself around you and engulf your emotions. When prayer was made and the Name of Jesus invoked I could feel the heaviness lift. As real as the spirit of suicide is, the Name of Jesus is even more real and even more powerful!
I asked him to go to a local restaurant to have a meal. As I sat down he asked me a question. "Pastor, has God showed you anything about me?" I said, Yes, you've been dealing with thoughts of suicide and God has a plan for your life.
The astounding look that appeared on his face was something that you rarely see on someone. Looking deep into his eyes I could see the despair, hunger & desparate cries of long sleepless nights and thoughts of lunging into eternity by his own hands. Confusion, yet relief, swept over him. Confusion from the enemy of his soul, yet relieved that he didn't have to remain confounded.
That was my 1st big experience with the spirit of suicide in this area. I believe it was that day that God pulled the veil on a dominant stronghold in our region to this young Apostolic Pastor. Since that day I've received reports of suicide attempt after suicide attempt. Many succesful in their pursuit of a duped exit from this natural realm. Some unsuccessful, to return only to the vices that catapulted them into their plight.
If you are suffering from this mental anguish I want to open myself up to you and our Church. There's only one true deliverance from the position that you find yourself in. Suicide is a spirit from the pits of hell and can only be broken and set free by the power of God.
As we draw closer and closer to the return of our Lord this spirit of deception, known as suicide, will intensify as satan continues his onslaught of the mortal as a way to gain the captive's eternal immortality. Below will have a list of ways that you can get in touch with me. Please DO NOT hesitate contacting me if you need help on your Spiritual journey.
Pastor Brian D. Young
TurningPoint Apostolic Church
1106 Forest Ave.
Maysville, KY 41056
606-584-7010 call OR text
Sunday, February 16, 2014
The Things That I've Learned in Two Years
God impressed me to write this blog the other day and I have been making notes since then. I do want to iterate that this is not an all inclusive list and should not be the expectation of your Church Planting, or similar endeavor.
There's just some things that are non-negotiable when it comes to this walking with God stuff. One is to never question God's voice. If it's God that you're hearing don't worry about the rest of it. He will make it happen. Your questioning doesn't validate God nor His omnipotence. Period.
I'm a quote fanatic and my favorite one at the moment is one that I seen on social media not long ago. "No one is greater than us". I can't do this Church thing as a one man show. I can't do everything that needs to be done in the Church, but the Church itself can. I've learned to empower people, it takes time but it allows you more time in the long term. Here's the kicker...people want to be used, but this is key-SET THE EXPECTATION. Never assume someone knows what you expect of them.
There's some people that want what I call in-directive positions. Simply a title but no true responsibility. They love to flaunt a title without pulling their weight in the overall direction of the Church. I've learned to use them in their strengths, try to develop them through their weakness and let God do the rest. God never called me to remold people, but he called me to lead them. It's not a bad thing if someone doesn't work in a position. That doesn't make them a bad person, it just simply means that their strength lies somewhere else.
Everyone that seems to have the gift of walking on water really don't. The super spiritual, holier than thou folks. You know...the ones that brags about how much they pray or how much that God uses them. These folks have to be handled carefully or they can cause much harm with little effort through this type of mentality, it's easy for others to latch a hold on it. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their super spirituality. What you do doesn't have to be sounded with a trumpet, God has ways of taking care of that.
Most folks that I've gotten to know in this Church plant truly want to be humble. Their desire is to like Christ, "Christ-Like", Christian. But one of the biggest things that I've learned in 2 years is being humble enough to apologize for things that you were unaware that you done, or said. I've found it much easier to apologize for something that you didn't do or are totally unaware of to keep ill feelings from being harbored. I know some in our movement have the mentality that this displays weakness in your position. I beg to differ, and God keeps record. Isn't it worth it to reconcile someone through a situation to see them saved versus the alternative?
From day 1 in our city we've been taunted, talked about and even told that people can't be saved in our Church. I'm so glad that God says differently. When Jesus said in Luke 6:28 to bless them that curse you, He said what He meant and meant what He said. It really works! My call isn't dependent upon what others opinions are...and for that I'm thankful!! It's one of the greatest feelings in the world to know that you are doing EXACTLY what God wants you to be doing. Are you doing what He wants you to do?
As a Church planter you learn to do without big buildings, a full suite of music...as a matter of fact you learn to have Church with NO music! You learn to have Church without new sound systems, a full Church staff, having the time to put into the Church that you feel like you need to. Here's the beauty-YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE THIS TO HAVE CHURCH! The manifestation of the Holy Ghost has nothing to do with your sound system or whether or not your in a cathedral. The Spirit is made manifest when there's a hunger for the supernatural in you and your people. God wants it, we must also.
You can't afford, Spiritually, to have a bad Church service. Every service is like being on the front line of a heated battle. People are dying. People are making erroneous decisions. We DO NOT have time for ceremonial services with religious rhetoric. We are in a town that is heavily involved with traditional denominationalism. Very ceremonial. Fabricated by man. However, we MUST hear from the Almighty. We must hear a prophetic utterance from Heaven. Someone's eternal fate is in my hands when they're at my Church. We must treat it like that...every single service.
This is just a few things that I've learned in 2 years of planting a Church. Hope it helps, inspires and encourages someone. If you're a Church planter keep your head up and keep doing what God has placed upon you.
If you want to be a part of more than just another religion, you need to come to TurningPoint! Our anniversary services are less than 2 weeks away with some of the most dynamic preachers in Pentecost! Feb 28th - March 2nd.
In His Service,
Pastor Brian D. Young
TurningPoint Apostolic Church